Sing for a Good Cause – Popsical

Sing for a Good Cause

Popsical is committed to help young budding artists find their voices. We not only recognise the growing pool of musical talent through efforts such as our annual singing competition, Popsical Karaoke Sing-Off, but we also strive to support aspiring artists to fulfill their dreams.

To achieve this, Popsical will be donating 5% proceeds from the sales of Popsical Remix on the e-commerce store from 17th January 2019 to 16th February 2019 to The Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF). Get yours here now! 

The Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF) is based in Singapore, and benefits over 17,000 children and youths through a variety of arts programmes such as workshops and structured lessons in music, dance, theatre and visual arts.

“We are grateful to Popsical for their generosity and support towards helping our young music talents find their voices. BT BAF strongly believes in the importance of the arts in the development of character in young people, and this donation can help us provide more opportunities to nurture the musical interests and talents of children in Singapore to fulfil their potential," said Mr. Tan Tee Tong, Chief Operating Officer, The RICE Company Limited. The RICE Company Limited is a registered charity with IPC status and is the custodian of The Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF).

Popsical believes that the art of music and singing should be enjoyed by everyone, and all children should be given the opportunity to pursue their dreams and find their voice. Buy a Popsical Remix so you can have fun and share the love of singing with future rockstars! 

About Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF)  

Initiated in 2004 and adopted by The Business Times in 2005, The Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF) originated from a conviction that no child with the strong interest and potential in the arts should be denied the opportunity to develop his or her talents due to a lack of financial resources. Since 2005, BT BAF has reached out to more than 17,000 financially disadvantaged children and youth, between the ages of six to 19 years old, through a variety of programmes including a structured arts training programme, arts camps, workshops and signature events. BT BAF supports children and youth arts training centers, The Little Arts Academy and 10 Square @ Orchard Central respectively, and is managed by The RICE Company Limited, a not for profit arts organisation and registered charity with IPC status. For more information, visit 

About The RICE Company Limited 

The RICE Company Limited (TRCL) is a not-for-profit organisation that serves to connect communities, empower young people through the arts, as well as enliven spaces through creative place-making and arts content creation. TRCL currently manages two social funds – The Business Times Budding Artists Fund and Sing50 Fund; arts centers (The Little Academy and 10 Square Youth) in four locations across Singapore, creative spaces (The Pavilion at Far East Square and Temenggong House and two subsidiaries –Global Cultural Alliance and Millet Holdings. TRCL is incorporated on 26 March 2014 and is a registered charity with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. For more information, visit

1 条评论

Sudhir B C

Preference will be for an active interacting amp that allows mix of various inputs and control over amount of background voice or music. Reverberation and pitch controls with individual volume setting will be needed. Indications of the setup should be a definite asset for the system.



