Children’s Day Activities you Should Try – Popsical

Children’s Day Activities you Should Try

What activities are you planning to do on Children's day?

Children are the future of the world. As such, we must be able to nurture them into upstanding individuals. We have a responsibility to teach and direct them towards the correct path. As Children's Day is just around the corner, it's best to prepare for activities that the kids will not only love and enjoy but also activities that they could also learn from. Here are a few fun activities you can do with the kids; not only will they enjoy these activities, but they might also be able to learn something new as well.


Here are 10 Children's day activities you should try. 

Plant a tree
As technology and social media have taken over almost all of everything, getting the kids out to enjoy nature can be an eye-opener for them. Not only will they experience something refreshing, but it will also teach them the value of nature and the impact every one of them has.

Story Time
Sit the kids around and tell them a story. Aesop's Fables can be a good start. These fables all have moral stories to tell at the end. If you want to do a little something different, you can tell them a story about how Children's Day came to be. You could also let them dress up as historical characters.

What kid doesn't love shopping, right? Even adults love shopping. Take the kids shopping, but this time, do something a bit different. Let them hold the money. Let them be the ones that pay for the things that they buy. This way, You're subtly teaching them the value of money and how to spend wisely.

Face Painting
Kids are very creative. Face painting is one activity that the kids let their imaginations run wild. It also gives them the chance to be whoever they want to be. Face painting can also enhance the kids' creative side. You might have an artist in the making.

Bake Sale!
Hold a bake sale. Kids love being artistic and being able to express themselves. Help the kids bake a cake and let their imaginations go wild with the design. This activity not only enhances their creative side, but it also teaches them how to bake too!

Hold a karaoke session
A kid's karaoke session is fun and entertaining. Kids are like little balls of energy. Having them sing to their favourite tunes will make them go wild. This activity also enhances the kids' confidence levels. It's said that there are many benefits Karaoke is good for children. Be prepared to hear a lot of Disney soundtracks.

Treasure Hunting
Plan a treasure hunt for the children. Not only would it be a fun activity, but it would also help develop and improve the kids' cognitive abilities.

Movie Time
Kids love watching TV, there's no denying that. Prepare a series of shows you can watch with the kids, preferably Disney movies. These movies hold a lot of moral lessons the kids can learn. They will enjoy singing along to the soundtracks too!

Try these activities with your kids. They will enjoy and learn at the same time, as will you too!



