Advantages of Karaoke Machine for Kids – Popsical

Advantages of Karaoke Machine for Kids

Children are fond of showing off their talents. One of these talents is singing.

Growing up, we all enjoyed singing. It allows us to express ourselves and it makes us happy singing all our favourite songs from our favourite movie or musicals. But do you know what other benefits Karaoke and singing can bring to a child? 


Learning to Read, Fast

Karaoke allows the child to read the lyrics and sing along, according to the speed of the song, and this trains the child to read fast. This is applicable for all languages, even mandarin! You'd be surprise at the progress that your child will be able to read, after being exposed to singing Karaoke. Not only does it improve their literacy, it also allows them to learn how to rhyme and learn new vocabulary. 

Building Confidence


Some kids are naturally more confident and outgoing, but many tend to keep to themselves. If you find your child slightly more on the shy end of the spectrum, you may want to consider exposing him or her to singing Karaoke. It gives them a platform to step out of their comfort zone, perform in front of a small audience and express themselves through singing their favourite songs! It works wonders in building their confidence. As they grow older, they will be less likely to be afraid to be under the spotlight or speaking in front of an audience. 

Bonding Activity

Singing together can be a very fun and meaningful family activity. Not only can it help the child relieve stress from school work, it can also help parents have a temporal escape from their daily responsibilities. Karaoke nights can create lasting memories and bonding opportunities for parents and children. Parents can learn a lot about their kids through the songs they enjoy and kids can also learn more about the songs from their parent's generation. 


Developing your Talent

Good news! Singing can be trained! A good singer does not have to be borne a good singer. By practicing via the occasional Karaoke, it helps the child improve their sense of rhythm, their vocal skills, and their musical skills in general. Being exposed to music from young actually gives the child a head start in terms of their musical abilities and inclination. 


Just having Fun 

happy girls singing karaoke

Image credits: ElenaNichizhenova / Getty Images

Karaoke can be a party essential as well. With Popsical Remix, kids can sing with special sound effects. They can have fun by singing in different voices (Chipmunk, Villain..) and unleash their inner rockstar!

With Popsical's create playlist function, parents can also easily create playlists for their kids to access. Hence, they can easily source for their favourite songs and as parents, you will not have to worry about any explicit content. This helps make parenting slightly easier for you! 

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